
Meditation is a technique to go in –

From body, mind and feeling to being.

Just become like a clear mirror. Only a watcher.

Meditation is a transforming of mind to no-mind or we can say meditation is a state of “NO-Mind”.

It is what Zen masters have been saying about meditation: - “Sitting silently doing nothing, the spring comes and grass grows by itself”.

Meditation is a key to unlock the door of the mystery of existence, which is already within us.

Osho says : “You cannot do meditation, you can be in meditation”.

We all are born as meditators, but we forget it.As we grow, we are burdened, conditioned and possessed by the society. But our real/original nature is still their in deep down like an undercurrent.

There are many methods of meditation.

As every person is different from each other, so no one technique will fit to every person.

WE have to choose technique according to our own nature.

At our center we try to help seekers for choosing the technique according to their own nature or we draft some simple methods for them.

We also do Many of Meditation like...

  • Natraj
  • No Mind
  • Nadbram
  • Zen Walk
  • Zazen
  • Night Meditations
  • Laughting
  • Chakra Breathing Meditations

The Disclaimers

Reiki healing, Acupressure, Mudra is not a substitute for traditional medical treatment,and no medical claims are made regarding these treatments. Information provided on this website is not designed to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. You should consult with your health care practitioner when you find any medical condition existing. It is important not to have expectations about the outcome of receiving Reiki, acupressure or mudra vigyan- healing will take place but it may happen in unexpected way, no medical claims are made regarding these treatments. People with serious conditions should consult their doctor.


No information about any client will be discussed or shared with any third party without written consent of the client or parent/guardian- if client is under 18.